Send Your Prospects
Letters That Seduce
The Mind and Activate
The Emotions So
They Buy...Now!
Here are a number of extremely powerful strategies that both open
and positively impact the mind and emotions of your prospect...
# Use Verbs, Action Words!
Action words greatly affect the Subconscious Mind!
The Subconscious is the Motivator, the Action Taker, the very seat of
all Emotions. Action words(especially the first word in bulleted benefits)
easily get the inner mind to open saying yes, yes let's do it!
Use words like...create, profit, turn, discover, keep, develope,
open, build and any more you can think of.
Look close at some of the greatest advertisers ads and you'll see
ads full of action!
# People Will Not Be Bored In Print!
People respond to passion, to excitement and drama. It makes no
matter who they are, doctors, lawyers or bankers!
# Break Up Your Copy - Create White Space!
Nothing loses more sales than a solid page of type. People just
won't read it. Responses have increased 300% or more just by breaking
the copy up, making it inviting to read!
Use short sentences, short paragraphs and simple words!
Make it easy and clear!
# The Seductive Power of Confidence!
Always show absolute confidence in your letters. State your claims
simply and boldly - DON'T EVER BEG!
" A Beggars Mind Receives
A Beggars Share! "
Understand the sentence
above deeply enough
and you'll be dangerous!!
Copyright 1997-1998 Allen Says